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The Government Decision amending and supplementing the Government Decision no. 500/2011 on the general registry of employees and for the consistent applicability of certain legal provisions was published in the Official Gazette Part I on 28 November 2016 and entered into force on the same date.

GD 877/2016 brought substantial amendments in what concerns the drafting, filling in and submission towards the territorial labor inspectorate of the data in the general registry of employees. The main amendments refer to: (i) the structure of the general registry of employees which, as per the new legal provisions, will have two parts: the private registry and the public registry; (ii) the registrations concerning the posting of employees, for the first time specific regulations concerning the registration of the transnational secondment being included in the legal framework; (iii) the sanctions.

Source: https://blog.wolterskluwer.ro/noile-reglementari-privind-registrul-general-de-evidenta-a-salariatilor/